Federico Cerisola 

Postdoc researcher at University of Oxford, in Natalia Ares' group.

Member of Janet Anders' group at University of Exeter.

Online version of my Curriculum Vitae.

I am a postdoc sharing my time between Natalia Ares' group at University of Oxford and Janet Anders' group at University of Exeter. My main research interests are in aspects of non-equilibrium thermodynamics of quantum systems, the link between thermodynamics and information theory, and the effects of strong coupling with the environment. Recently I have also developed interest in the theory of quantum devices.

I am also particularly interested in the possibility of implementing and exploring the many theorical result in quantum thermodynamics of the past few years in real-world platforms. With this goal in mind I am part of Natlia Ares' group in Oxford, where I do theory for their quantum devices and the thermodynamics of their experiments.

Earlier on, during my early stages of my PhD at University of Buenos Aires, I focused on the topic of the definition of work in quantum systems and on the development of techniques to measure work and work probability distributions of quantum systems. More recently, I have focused on the role of correlations among subsystems in single-shot thermodynamic processes and how they can be viewed as a mechanism for the emergence of standard reversible equilibirum thermodynamics from the single-shot irreversible non-equilibrium regime.

Here is a selected list of publications


Here is a link to my notes (in spanish) for the course "Física Teórica 2", DF - UBA (Graduate Quantum Mechanics course).